About Bombolo Biscotti

Company History
The company, Sotto I Trulli, Inc., is now just over 10 years old. The name means “Under the Trulli,’ making reference to the white stone houses topped with gray slate cone-shaped roofs, called Trulli, in a town near Puglia, the childhood home of our founders. We are a wholesale bakery. Currently, we have presence and distribution in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Nebraska, Alabama, and Tennessee and are expanding throughout the nation.
Meet the Baker
From Andria to Porretta Terne to Sarasota, Florida, Chef Francesco Mucci has been creating culinary delights in our town since his arrival in 2001. The wholesale bakery was the vision of Chef Francesco. Chef Francesco has been baking his entire adult life and even attracted notice in 1996 in the Guinness Book of World Records for the World’s Largest Cake. One of his favorite pastimes is baking for charities, especially those helping sick children.

The Bakery
Our new 30,000sq.ft. facility is located at 7150 #A 15th Street East, Sarasota, Florida, 34243 at the north end of Sarasota. We are set up to offer only wholesale service.
The Biscotti
As you may know, the word “biscotti” in Italy refers not only to the crunchy dipping biscotti, but “biscotti” also includes fine Italian cookies made fresh with care from wholesome ingredients, such as eggs, butter, flour and sugar. Bombolo Biscotti produces a variety of favorites. We bake at least 29 kinds of cookies, and yes, it’s hard to choose just one. These are most often enjoyed with a good cup of coffee or espresso.